
  In the book Big Ideas of Early Mathematics it describes counting as involving pattern and rhythm and is a part of a young child’s daily life. Children know how to count something by instinct so if we make counting seem fun with an activity like fingerprinting it will get them to like counting even more. Counting can be used to tell how many of something or finding collections of something. Counting has four main rules to it, the first rule is counting has to have a stable order meaning “counting words have to be said in the same order every-time” (Pearson 2014, 50-51). The next rule in counting is the one to one correspondence rule where one number is named for each object. This rule may seem easy to us adults but can be difficult to grasp because sometimes children don’t grasp the concept of naming number words to objects. (Pearson 2014, 53). 
For an activity to do with counting try this activity pictured above with a free printable here 
This activity right above incorporates pointillism with skip counting. The article says pointillism is an art term that uses distinct dots in varying colors to form a pattern in which is basically counting by any number other than one so counting by 10’s 20’s etc. when you combine the two the children can get creative and remember the different patterns with different colors especially if the child needs to have things color coded this helps with that as well. 
Here is the link to the skip counting activity feel free to try it with your children or class.
